Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wu Chun upsets Rainie Yang by calling her "round" September 15, 2010

Source: UDN

Written by: fufu @

Lately, Rainie Yang has gained a bit of weight from all the snacking during the filming for her new drama, “Sunshine Angel”. Although Rainie admits that she is not the slimmest person, her co-star Wu Chun responded without thinking, “Yeah, you’re pretty ‘round’ (chubby).” Rainie immediately said not once, but twice, “In the 26 years of my life, no one has ever said that I’m ‘round’!” Wu Chun apologized right away, but it was obviously too late.

Wu Chun eats with his own menu and has a set of workouts that he does; Rainie makes fun and even calls him, “Instructor Wu.” Rainie reveals that she feels pressured even when eating alongside him.

Rainie further says that Wu Chun would enthusiastically teach them how to work out on their waist and hip areas and guarantees that they will “definitely slim down in two months.” Rainie joked to Wu Chun, “If when I’m unemployed, I’ll go become a trainer at your fitness center in Brunei.” But Wu Chun had his doubts, so Rainie quickly added, “I can teach dancing. I’m famous! And I’ll take a base salary of eighty thousand (~$2,500 USD).”

Although Rainie is quite proud of her new c-cup size, she says that she will work hard to slim down for her upcoming concert in October at Singapore.

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