Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jolin Tsai's "showy" birthday gifts

The pop star received a Rolex watch as birthday gift from good friend Show Luo
Source :

Diamonds, Cartier bracelets and a Rolex watch...what more can a girl ask for?

The pop princess who turns 30 today had a birthday bash on Saturday, Sept 11.

Close friends turned up in full force to congratulate the diva, and showered her with gifts that made the pop star a very happy girl.

Singer and close friend Show Luo gave Jolin a generous TWD 200,000 (SGD 10,000) Rolex watch, which the starlet received with much delight.

Turns out the diva had her eyes on the Rolex watch ever since she saw Show Luo sporting one.

The humourous Show even insisted on a kiss on the cheeks from Jolin before handing his present over, to which the diva conceded to after contemplating for a while.

According to reports, Jolin had set a "no-presents" rule for the party, as she only wanted to have a good time with her friends.

However, her friends turned up with gifts all the same.

Besides a Rolex watch, Jolin also received two bracelets - a TWD 270,000 (SGD 13,000) Cartier bracelet from her record company boss Chen Zeshan and a diamond one that is reportedly worth millions, from her manager Ge Fuhong.

Seeing the luxurious gifts amounting to more than millions of dollars on her hands, friends joked that they "wish to chop off her hands and snatch it over."

Jolin expressed that in previous years, she had wished for romance to come quickly and for scandals to stay away - all of which never came true. As such, the diva has given up on making birthday wishes.

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