Friday, September 17, 2010

Jimmy Lin’s son first birthday party; Kimi picked a steering wheel Friday, September 17, 2010 Taiwan

translation by l_coco
source : UDN

Jimmy Lin’s son Kimi celebrated his first birthday yesterday. Jimmy decorated the party room and acted as the emcee himself. Thirty guests were present, including the model Wang Li Ya couple, Wallace Chung, and relatives. Xiao Xiao Zhi picked a mini laptop, then a steering wheel and a microphone at the picking ceremony. He will sure become his father’s successor.

Jimmy was in Hunan the day before promoting his new series Single Princess and Blind Dates. He taped the show until mid-night, slept for 3 hours and took the early flight back to Taipei.

He laughed and said, “I kept suggesting to Kimi to pick the steering wheel or stick shift. He picked the mini laptop first then the steering wheel and the microphone.”

The low-key Kelly Chen took pictures of father and son. Jimmy asked his overseas friend to buy a toy Ferrari car for his son’s birthday present. He admitted that he and Kelly got married in February of this year and will have a belated wedding next year.

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