Monday, September 20, 2010

Jerry Yan down with gastritis 09/20/2010

Medical check-ups reveal that pop idol's illness is caused by stress

Jerry Yan is feeling under the weather these days.

According to reports, the Taiwanese singer-actor has not been in the best of health lately, often looking pale and haggard during public appearances.

The 33-year-old star was also said to be in weak health and being prone to recurring colds.

Speculations were rife that Jerry Yan could possibly be suffering from a strange illness, which had caused the 1.8m lanky hunk to suffer a weight lost.

Despite pleas from concerned fans, Jerry reportedly refused to undergo any forms of intrusive health check-ups, and only relented after much persuasion from his close doctor friend, Hou Wenyong.

"I arranged for it (the check-up). He is already a grown man and should do a full body examination once every year," said Hou.

He added that Jerry's illness was mostly due to pressure from work, and would develop into stomach ulcers if aggravated.

Jerry Yan has since started treatment for his condition.

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